Explore Discover new data and digital opportunities, prove their value, and unlock your business potential.

Map out technology-driven strategies to forge your data, AI, and digital-first future vision.

Transform Build strong data and digital foundations, strengthened by ML, AI, data science, and apps, to achieve your goals.
Enable Establish self-service analytics, citizen data science, and low-code/no-code platforms to support your business intelligence.
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Data Risk Assessment

Our free Data Risk Assessment helps you quickly identify your most urgent data risk areas and biggest opportunities for automated data governance.


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AI Strategy Consulting.

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Strategy AI Strategy

Our AI consulting services give you the complete playbook and tools for adopting business AI solutions with confidence – designed not just for business, but for your business. So you can go from curious about AI, to fully operationalised AI adoption at enterprise scale.

Safe & Secure AI

Fully operationalised business AI at scale.

Implementing Artificial Intelligence technologies in business is a daunting prospect, especially emerging Generative AI. But successful AI adoption at scale is within reach - we just need to select the right tools for the right jobs, and ensure our data is primed and ready for AI. An enterprise can’t just train a large language model and have all its data converted into corporate memory – the compute costs are too high, the data preparation required is too extensive, and the model will be outdated by the time it’s ready to use.

With AI capabilities evolving at lightning speed, traditional strategies are instantly outdated; leveraging AI in business requires an entirely new approach.

Our AI strategy consultants help you bring responsible AI into the enterprise safely and securely – identifying your biggest opportunities, mitigating risks, and enabling you to keep up with the technology.

Steve Salvin, Aiimi CEO, writes on a whiteboard in the Aiimi offices.
Our customers

Trusted data, digital, and AI solutions.

For more than 10 years, we've been unlocking competitive advantage for our enterprise customers across multiple industries.

AI Fundamentals

Our formula for success with AI strategy consulting.

We take different approach to help you realise the full potential of AI; starting with your data quality, finding the best business AI use cases, and exploiting the right artificial intelligence solutions, like foundational models and generative to create an agile AI strategy that’s built for your enterprise.

AI is only as good as the source material...

So we start by getting your enterprise data quality and data governance strategy where they need to be, for safe AI you can trust.

AI isn’t one size fits all...

So we prioritise your best AI use cases by impact, complexity, and data readiness, so you can leverage AI and unlock value faster.

AI is evolving at an unprecedented pace...

So we create an evolving enterprise AI playbook – your AI vision, principles, and policies on ethics and explainability.


Accelerate your journey to operationalised AI, with the Aiimi Insight Engine.

Powered by machine learning and AI data services, the Aiimi Insight Engine is designed to get you to your destination faster, scale AI, and enhance AI experiences. It interconnects all enterprise information to give you a complete picture of your entire data universe, so you can go from AI curious to AI operational at speed.

Take Action

Build an AI strategy that unlocks your full potential.

Discover how our AI strategy consulting works to define your outcome goals, identify use cases for maximum impact, and put in place the right capabilities to deliver AI-powered transformation at enterprise scale.

  • Building blocks for data and AI success - why do you need an AI strategy?
  • Our Delivery Model to scale AI - how we take you from early ambitions to repeatable results
  • Accelerating success - we'll join you at any point in your journey

Quick wins and fast starts for AI in business.

Every information leader is under pressure to bring AI to their business. Wherever you are on your enterprise AI journey, our AI consulting services can help you get to the next level – from AI Sprints, to our AI Ethics Workshops.

AI Pilots & Sprints

Problem-solve a single high-impact business challenge with gold-standard data and targeted AI solutions.

AI Readiness & Risk Assessments

Rapidly identify any weaknesses and blockers to action across your data quality, tech, and processes.

AI Ethics Workshops

Create frameworks and policies for ethical and responsible AI integration in your business.

Case study

How Aiimi's enterprise AI solutions deliver mission-critical insights to a government department.

For a team of analysts within a central government department, the ability to access accurate information summaries, combining data from multiple sources, is the key to supplying timely, precise briefings to the government and public alike. Find out how Aiimi are using enterprise AI solutions to connect them to these answers.


Revolutionise your business with AI strategy consulting. Unlock immediate value and long-term opportunities.

Aiimi's expert AI consulting services can help you unlock AI at scale.

data governance strategy

Stay safe with responsible AI adoption.

Realise the opportunities of AI safely and securely. We'll help you establish your data risk level, introduce guardrails, and automate data governance, so teams can get access to the information they need to do their jobs - and AI adoption can continue at pace.

  • Protect your most valuable data - We'll use our Insight Engine technology to assess your current data access governance risk and help you remove or move overexposed or sensitive data at risk of breach.
  • Commit to data quality - Our expert data engineers will help you build data pipelines to feed your AI initiatives with high-quality information.
  • Support your people - Our AI strategy consulting is designed to manage the changes affecting your teams, put in place guidance that sticks, and deliver in-house Artificial Intelligence solutions that make Shadow AI a thing of the past.
Terry Hegarty, Aiimi strategy consultant.
Without Aiimi’s knowledge, guidance, and leadership driving our strategies, we simply wouldn’t have realised our goals. I can honestly say that the quality of our data strategy with Aiimi means that even several years on it still guides our development.
Matt Edwards, Chief Data Officer at Anglian Water
entire data picture

AI Adoption: Why Data Foundations matter

Aiimi CEO Steve Salvin explores why organisations need to understand their entire data picture if they want to achieve their full potential with AI, spot new competitive opportunities, and keep their data and their employees safe.

Bring powerful AI to every corner of your business. Explore our Enterprise AI Platform today.

expert views

The rise (and risks) of Edge AI.

With everyday apps all rushing to launch their own AI widget or LLM (Large Language Model) integration, the risks of edge AI are on the rise and rapidly creating a complex enterprise AI landscape.

AI Strategy Consulting - FAQs

Trying to adopt AI at true enterprise scale is tough without an AI strategy - and without strong data foundations. It leaves you open to data loss, ethical missteps, and missed opportunities to create value. Technologies like Generative AI are going to be adopted by your employees either way, so setting out the rules of the game is key to ensure responsible AI use and avoid the risks of Edge AI.

Our AI strategy consulting always aligns closely to your business strategy and goals, so value is always at the centre of our collective thinking. Plus, with our agile delivery model and prioritised AI use case identification, we deliver value now and in the long term.

We're an experienced, agile team of expert AI solutions consultants. Aiimi are already delivering AI strategy consulting right now for leading UK manufacturers, engineering firms, and government departments.

We help you build an AI strategy that gives you quick wins alongside a roadmap and the foundations to achieve your long-term goals for AI adoption.

No more wading through stuffy strategy documents, we use interactive assets, visualisations, and our Signature 'Strategy on a Page' as part of an agile delivery approach, always proving value as we go.

We follow Agile delivery to ensure you see results as soon as possible. In a matter of weeks, we'll have you up and running with targeted AI use cases and pilot projects to prove value - alongside identifying the delta between your current state of play and the required maturity level to maximise AI adoption.

So are we. It's the first step we take with all of our customers - understanding your biggest AI fears and helping you understand the risks. There's plenty of ways to derisk AI adoption at scale, from the benefits of data governance, to smart policies and user experience, to the Generative AI tools or LLMs you choose and how you apply them. Our AI solutions team always apply the latest thinking to support responsible AI integration in your business.

We've been helping customers navigate changing data and digital landscapes for over 10 years. Our data and AI experts understand how to work with complex structured data and unstructured data. We're constantly innovating and deploying the latest LLMs within our Enterprise AI Platform to remove the guesswork for our customers.

talk to our ai consultants

Book your free 1-1 session with our expert AI consultants.

Book your free 'Ask The Expert' session and let our AI strategy consulting team answer your urgent questions about adopting AI at enterprise scale. Generative AI, Large Language Models, Costs, Security, Change Management - ask us anything.

  1. Book a next-day 'Ask The Expert' call with an AI strategy expert.
  2. Discuss your AI and data goals, your progress so far, and your biggest concerns and questions.
  3. In just 30 mins, get practical answers on responsible AI, security, costs, ethics, and enterprise AI adoption.
  4. Take the next step with one of our fast-start engagements, and take a tour of our AI-enabling Insight Engine.